Lasagna with Homemade Lasagna Noodles

Enjoy a classic lasagna for dinner tonight made with fresh and easy homemade lasagna noodles.

Lasagna with Homemade Lasagna Noodles |
If you were to ask Mr. Mother Thyme what one of his favorite dishes I make is he would probably say lasagna.  Every time I tell him I’m making it he gets a little twinkle in his eyes.  So this past weekend when I told him I was making lasagna for Sunday dinner,  I had one very happy husband!

There are so many varieties of lasagna and one thing is that you can change the recipe to your liking.  Some people prefer their lasagna with meat and sausage while others like no meat at all.  I like making mine with just simple ground beef and I incorporate it in to my pasta sauce, which I featured before.  After gathering up a few other key ingredients, such as ricotta, some other cheeses and spices you are ready to make your lasagna.
Lasagna with Homemade Lasagna Noodles |

What I love about this lasagna is making homemade noodles.  Sure, it is easy to pick up a few boxes of lasagna noodles at the market, but by the time you boil the noodles, drain and let them dry you could roll make up fresh lasagna noodles.  It is much easier than it seems and you don’t even need a pasta machine.  

This recipe is for a general pasta noodle, so it can be used to make ravioli, cut for spaghetti or whatever you would like.  What I like about making homemade lasagna noodles opposed to using the box kind is you can make the noodles as thick (or thin) as you want.  I usually make a thick lasagna noodle, and if using the box noodle, I would double up the layers of noodles.  With making this, I don’t have to double up, I just make one thick layer. 

With a few key ingredients, you can roll out your own lasagna noodles in a snap.  In my recipe below, I will break it up in to sections so you can incorporate some or all of my recipe in to your existing recipe.  

This is a great recipe to make and freeze.  What I often do is bake it and freeze half so I get two dinners out of one.  Whether you try some or all of this recipe I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!

Lasagna with Homemade Lasagna Noodles |

Watch my how to video to see how fun and easy it is to make fresh homemade lasagna noodles. 


Lasagna with Homemade Lasagna Noodles


Lasagna Noodles

  • 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 6 tablespoons water, room temperature


  • 1 1/2 pounds ground beef
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 32 oz. ricotta
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 cups mozzarella, shredded, divided
  • 1 1/2 cups grated Parmesan, divided
  • 1 teaspoon dried parsley flakes
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • Fresh lasagna noodles (above) or 1 box of lasagna noodles
  • 24oz pasta sauce


Lasagna Noodles

  1. In a food processor combine all ingredients and pulse until all ingredients are combined. Remove dough from processor and knead until you can form a ball. Set aside and let rest for about 30 minutes.
  2. Place dough on clean, lightly floured surface. Roll out with rolling pin until desired thickness. Trim rough edges and cut into equal 1 1/2 inch wide (or desired width) strips. Gather unused dough and edges, knead and roll out. Cut into additional strips.
  3. Set fresh noodles aside on wax paper until ready to use.

Prepare Lasagna

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. In a large skillet on medium high heat combine ground beef, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon pepper and garlic powder and cook thoroughly. Remove from heat and stir in pasta sauce until combined and set aside.
  3. In a large bowl, combine ricotta cheese, 1 1/2 cups mozzarella, eggs, 1 cup Parmesan, parsley flakes, 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper and stir until blended.
  4. In a 9″ x 13″ pan spread 1 cup of meat and pasta sauce mixture. Top with one layer of lasagna noodles. On top of lasagna noodles spread 2 1/4 cup ricotta mixture, followed by 1 cup of sauce and another layer of noodles. Top with remaining ricotta mixture, followed by remaining noodles and last layer of sauce. Cover with foil and bake for 40 minutes.
  5. Remove foil, top with remaining mozzarella and Parmesan cheese and bake for another 10 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly.
  6. Remove from oven and let rest for 10 minutes.


If your processor is not big enough to combine all the ingredients at once, divide the recipe and make two batches.
If you don’t have a food processor, combine all ingredients in a bowl and stir until all ingredients are combined. Remove from bowl and knead on a flour surfaced. Let rest.
One batch will make enough to cover 1 9″ x 13″ lasagna.

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  1. I will gladly have a serving or two of this. I do need to try making lasagna with homemade noodles. This post sure does make that process sound easy. Between that and the filling recipe, this looks like a winner. Terrific post.

  2. so do you not need to boil the homemade noodles prior to using? also does this recipe make enough for 4 layers? thx!

  3. Hi! No, you do not need to boil the noodles. Once you roll the and cut the noodles you can layer them directly in your lasagna pan. Depending on how thin you roll out your noodles you may be able to get four layers. I tend to roll mine a bit thicker so I am able to get three layers. Let me know how this turns out for you!

  4. I recommend baking the lasagna first then letting it cool completely. Once cool, freeze in a freezer safe container. Then thaw and reheat when ready to eat. I often will bake and then cut into individual size portions before freezing that way I can have several meals from one tray of lasagna. Let me know how it works out for you.

    1. So I did the full cook on on the lasagna and froze but when I reheated it the noodles pretty much disintegrated inside of it. I’m wondering why that happened

  5. If I wanted to make these whole wheat lasagna noodles would you recommend using whole wheat pastry flour, or just regular whole wheat flour? And for making it without eggs, are the rest of the ingredients and directions the same?
    Thanks! Looking forward to making this with some homemade ricotta and mozzarella!

  6. You didn’t say what the two eggs are used for in the second part of the recipe?

    To Sarah, I make whole wheat pasta all the time, I use King Arthur’s “white whole wheat”.

  7. Just made this recipe for my boyfriend and me. Made it with my pizza sauce base that I jar from September fresh tomatoes, extra lean ground beef, and lots of ricotta and mozzarella. What I really enjoyed was making the pasta fresh, which was a first for me. I made the noodles too thick, which caused the lasagna to be too heavy. I’ll definitely thin out the pasta even more next time, but he didn’t mind being my guinea-pig.

  8. I tried these noodles last night (with garlic salt replacing the table salt) and my family loved it! I don’t think I’ll ever buy noodles again, thanks for the awesome recipe!
    Couple questions though, if I use this for spaghetti or fettuccini, how do I cook it, just boil it like dried? And can I dry these noodles for use later?
    Thanks again! Great tasting recipe 🙂

    1. So happy to hear your family loved the noodles! To cook spaghetti noodles you will first want to hang them to dry for about 10-15 minutes then add them to boiling water for a couple of minutes at the most. They will cook fast being fresh. You can also dry these and store them for up to a week to use later. Enjoy!

  9. Thank you Jennifer, this recipe was just what I needed! I made the home made noodles and it worked out like a dream; I’ll definitely do it again. The only think I’ll do differently is make them into a large sheet for each layer of lasagna, turns out I don’t need to make a bunch of individual strips. I might use a little more sauce around the noodles too.

  10. I have just learned that I am gluten intolerant, and commercial alternatives for gluten free noodles are hard to find, very expensive, don’t work well as substitutes, and often don’t taste very good either! I am really looking forward to making my own gluten free lasagna noodles!

  11. Just used this recipe to make a few homemade lasagnas for a party we are having on Wednesday. This dough was the best thing I’ve ever fed through my kitchen aid roller. It wasn’t sticky & it didn’t shred like other recipes have. I used 3 1/2 cups of all purpose flour & 1 cup of Samolina pasta flour. Can’t wait to bake it this week!

  12. I made this for my sisters bday in October! BEST NOODLES EVER! Making a double batch for Christmas Eve dinner! My mouth is watering just thinking about it!

  13. Did you really add 1/4 cup garlic powder to your sauce or is that a typo? I can’t wait to try making lasagna with your noodle recipe. I always seam to over cook the noodles and I did try a recipe years ago that called for not baking the noodles that I didn’t care for, although they could have improved the noodles since then. I am looking forward to seeing if using homemade noodles will improve my lasagna. My darling hubby has asked me to stop trying to make lasagna because it always comes out runny and the store bought kind doesn’t taste like my moms so armed with your noodle recipe and getting my moms sauce recipe I will give it one more try. Wish me luck! I will post another comment and let you know how it turned out.

  14. Thanks so much for creating this recipe! I cut the recipe in half and used Italian chicken sausage instead of ground beef and I layered it in a bread loaf pan. This lasagna was the best lasagna I have ever eaten in my life! I have never been a lasagna fan in the slightest but you have officially converted me! Ha ha I even had some left over pasta and cut it up and dried it for some fresh pasta for lunch tomorrow I’m looking so forward to it! 😀

  15. I made homemade lasagna noodles and cooked them before making lasagna. I ran cold water over them and let then set until I was ready to make the lasagna, well when I went to do this step my noodles fell apart. Why did this happen? They were not really thin….This was my first time so I would like to know what not to do next time!! Thank You Lisa

    1. Hi Lisa. The problem may have been that you cooked them and ran them under cold water. With this recipe you don’t need to cook fresh lasagna noodles. Once you make the noodles, you can proceed with preparing the lasagna. There is no need to cook the lasagna noodles and run them under water. Let me know if that helps! 🙂

  16. Hi, If I were to make this a day ahead, would it be better to bake and then reheat the next day, or assemble it, refridgerate, and then bake the day of? Thank you!

  17. So I was out of lasagna noodles and planned on lasagna for dinner, was happy to find your recipe today….but I had a problem. I covered my pan with foil, baked for almost an hour before removing foil to put cheese on top to bake 15 min more or so…the middle layer was still doughy! The top and bottom layer noodles were perfect and delicious, but the middle layer was very doughy. We didn’t realize this till we were almost done eating so now we are a little grossed out and afraid of becoming ill. I thought it was ‘gooey’ from all the cheese we used. (Huge cheese fans over here). I see your photo reveals beautifully cooked noodles all throughout your layers. I used all the dough, made three layers, didn’t think they were rolled too thick. I’m not an amateur in the kitchen, but second guessing my homemade pasta skills…wonder if anyone else experienced this.

    1. Hi Stacy, I’m sorry to hear the middle layer didn’t cook for you. I’m trying to think what might have caused that. I make this recipe often and never had that issue. Since this recipe has been quite popular, I am shooting a video tutorial on how to make these noodles. The video should be up sometime in mid-May, so check back and you can see how I make them. I’ll keep you posted if I come up with any other solutions or any other readers have any ideas as well. Thanks so much! Best, Jennifer

  18. Hi, I would like to make the noodles with multigrain & wheat flour. Pls let me know the proportions for that. THanks Sajini

    1. Hi, I have never made these with noodles with multigrain and wheat flour so I can’t give you an exact measurement but typically the conversion for all-purpose flour to whole wheat flour is about 14 tablespoons whole wheat flour to 16 tablespoons all-purpose flour, so you would use roughly 3 3/4 cup whole wheat flour. I hope that helps!

  19. I found your lasagna recipe today, after thinking I need to make lasanga from scratch. My hubby said not to get upset if it didn’t workout for me, I will make sure to follow all the steps you have given. Looking forward to make this. I will put some spinach in my Ricotta cheese, and see how that works out in the recipe. It looks delishious for sure.

  20. Hey! I have made this recipe a few times now and my entire family absolutely loves it!! The noodles always come out great. I want to make a second and freeze it for a later date, and I’m curious – if I bake it before I freeze it, when I reheat what temperature should I cook it at and approximately for how long?

  21. These noodles are AMAZING!!! I added ground fennel and black pepper to them. This is a KEEPER!!!!
    I already have an amazing lasagna recipe and this will make it superduperamazingfantastic.

    Thank you again!

      1. Wanted to let you know that my lasagna made with these noodles was a HIT! I was a little concerned that my red sauce was too soupy but the noodles sucked it right up. I got nothing but compliments on it and wanted to let you know that you are amazing.
        I won’t use dry store bought noodles again.

  22. The recipe for the noodles is incredibly easy and after decades of using store-bought lasagna noodles it’s hard to believe that I’d never made them before trying your recipe! The difference is amazing and I’ll NEVER buy the store variety again. I’ve used an all-meat recipe similar to yours but also add Italian sausage for a taste change and have a hint to share about the cheese, namely the ricotta. That can get a little pricey but the perfect and less expensive alternative is cottage cheese. I throw it into the food processor briefly, strain it off a little if necessary and, in combination with the other cheeses, you’d never know the difference except in your wallet! I’ll be making another big batch next week and my mouth is already watering. Cheers!

  23. Hello I would like to know if I have to cook the noodles before I make the lasagna or can I use the noodles raw with out boiling them thank you

  24. Hello Mother Thyme,
    Thank you so much for letting us know that we don’t have to boil our homemade noodles in order to make lasagna. I’m disabled, but I think I can handle making noodles with the food processor and my new pasta maker. It sounds like it will be about as hard as boiling the noodles first anyway. I can’t wait to try lasagna with homemade noodles. By the way, I love your clever name. 🙂

  25. Thanks for this great recipe! I only used half the recipe for the noodles, and rolled them fairly thin. I don’t really like a super noodle-y lasagna. The dough rolled out great (though it did take a long time, as pasta dough tends to do. Man, I need a pasta machine!) and cooked nicely, and the lasagna tasted fantastic!

  26. Hi, may i know how long does this take to make because i’d like to do this for my exam 🙂

  27. I make my lasagna almost the same except I use 2c.APF and 2c.semolina.Fortunately I have a Kitchen Aid with the pasta maker attachment so it makes and kneads the dough for me.(It’s like having a toy!)I’ve always parboiled the noodles first as a few people have told me by not boiling the noodles you get an entirely different texture;more like a flaky pastry dough.What do you know about that?Thank you.

  28. I ran out of lasagna noodles and saw your recipe and just had to try it this evening for supper. I am praying for the best. It sure was nice and easy 🙂

  29. Jenn,

    I made this recipe for the lasagna and also made some fetuccini, we all loved both. I find it is a lot of work to make homemade pasta but the end result is so worth it.

    Thanks so much 🙂


  30. I just found this site! I really am inspired by your video and I am going to make the homemade lasagna noodles for my recipe. I used Lydia’s Italian – American recipe. I have to cook for 16 on Christmas Eve. Can I make the noodles the day before?
    Thanks, Pam

    1. Hi Pam – So happy that you are inspired to try my homemade lasagna noodles. You can make the noodles a day before and store them in the refrigerator so they don’t dry out. I would cover them on a baking sheet and store them that way. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

      1. Hi, I’m so glad you answered me. Do you think that I should cover them with adjusting of flour and a dish towel so they will not dry out so much. Can I layer them between parchment paper? Have you ever kept them a day before you used the lasagna? Maybe I should just make them Christmas Eve morning. It does not seem that they are that much of an effort.

  31. Okay! The lasagna is in the oven! I love to make fresh pasta for angel hair or fettuccini, but have been reluctant for lasagna.
    It’s starting to smell mighty good in here!

  32. Because real people don’t worry about stuff like that 🙂 Honestly a stray hair never killed anyone, nor even made them sick…. I’m not sure why we all freak out about is sooo much.

  33. Hi, I just came across your recipe and I was wondering if there is a reason you cut the noodles into strips, is there a difference if you just make a whole pan sized noodle for each layer? Thank you so much for the recipe I appreciate it.

  34. Oh my gosh, 32 ounces of ricotta…tried it tonight and it was super cheesy and delicious! I enjoyed it but I feel like the texture of the noodles would have been better if I had let them dry for an hour (or else I made them too think? I used a pasta machine out of habit).

    My family loves the creaminess but I might try to add some additional sauce and take the ricotta blend down a notch. Very good though, thanks for sharing!

  35. I made your recipe for lasagna noodles last week. Perfect! I plan on making a pan of lasagna for Christmas Eve. Because I made the noodles last week I decided to freeze the noodles. I layered them between parchment paper and tightly wrapped and sealed. My question is do I have to boil these noodles or just let them come to room temperature before assembling my lasagna?

  36. I was wondering if this lasagna noodles recipe could be made with liquid eggs and not eggs just out of the shell? Also could this lasagna be made in an InstaPot? I got one for Christmas and absolutely love it; so I was wondering.

  37. Thanks for this recipe. I want to make this tonight. This is probably a stupid question but what can I use if I don’t have a food processor to mix the ingredients for the pasta? Thanks for any help.

  38. I literally have not had a lasagna like this, or this good since the 1980s when my mom made it!

    The only deviation I made is I used all, ground fresh, milled spelt flour for the pasta. The last time I used fresh milled Einkorn Flour to make the pasta with it and it just turned out of this world.

    Goes to show you fresh is best. 😀

  39. This is a very weird recipe. The noodles themselves turned out good, but the proportions of the lasagna turned out all out of whack.
    This makes way too much ricotta, not enough sauce, and more lasagna than the three layers the recipe describes. The result was leftover pasta next to a lasagna that was drenched in cheesy sauce. Delicious, but soup is not really an ideal texture for lasagna.

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